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Patient transport

Non emergency patient transport (NEPTS)

The non-emergency patient transport service is operated by E-zec Medical Transport Services Ltd. They provide a service for patients that need to travel to and from an appointment at a hospital or clinic, are discharged from hospital or need to transfer between centres and because of the patients medical condition, the patient cannot make your own way.

The criteria that determine whether or not a patient is eligible or not for NEPTS have been set by the Department of Health and are based upon whether the patients’ medical condition prevents them from travelling by any other means. You may not always have to book your own transport as this is sometimes organised by the hospital or clinic.

If you are asked to book your own transport, you should call the patient transport advice centre on 01278 726 968.

Friends of Fairford & Lechlade Communities Charity Voluntary Car service

This service is provided by voluntary drivers who transport patients to the Surgery or Hospital appointments when it is not possible for family or friends to take them and they are not eligible for NEPTS. A charge is made to cover costs and it is dependent on the mileage involved. Please ask at reception.

Additional voluntary drivers who are able to take patients to Swindon, Gloucester, Cirencester or Cheltenham are urgently required. If you are interested in helping, please leave your name and telephone number with reception.